Flor Essence the Detox Herbal Tea and Tonic for Good Health
Flor Essence tea is a gentle and natural supplement for detoxification. A friend of mine introduced me to this amazing essiac tea and tonic for health several years ago when his wife was fighting a cancer diagnosis. I did some research and found it to be a wonderful detox support tool for maintaining health through detox or support for health and healing from illness.
Detoxification is one of the most valuable tools in the quest for good health and using Flor Essence Tea is just one way you can assist your body in the process of healing on the path to wellness.
How to make Floressence Essiac Tea
The instructions for making Flor Essence Detox Tea are to mix one whole packet with Five 8 ounce cups of water and boil it for 10-12 minutes in a covered saucepan. Scrape the herbs back down into the water and let it sit at room temperature for 10-12 hours. Naturally, it’s best to brew your Flor Essence Tea first thing in the morning. Strain the herbs from the liquid using a fine grain strainer pushing liquid gently through the strainer with a spatula. Refrigerate, cover and store your Flor Essence tea in a covered glass container in the fridge for up to 2 weeks (If stored with a sterilized jar and lid used in canning it will stay good for up to 90 days.
Each packet makes 32 ounces of tea. Helpful Detox Zone.com hint is to make a half packet. You can also purchase the mixture pre-made by the bottle from many health food stores and online. The Flor Essence tea and detox tonic gets a little thick. To make it taste better, I like to take it with a little fruit flavored (like orange, grape or apricot) stevia. Adults can take 2 ounces twice a day.
Flor Essence Tea Essiac tea formula is a wonderful way to flush toxins from your cells and body and is wonderful support for people who are struggling with a medical condition such as cancer. As always, do any detoxification program under the care of a healthcare professional. I’ve personally found Flor Essence Tea to be a very gentle process and I haven’t heard of any side effects other than the occasional fatigue and aches associated with the releasing of the toxins.
I hope you enjoy the information in this article and if its right for you, consider taking Flor Essence Tea (By Flora) as part of your health and wellness Detox program.
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