I’m passionate again about Detox! Lately I’ve been feeling run down and its time to get serious about cleansing and flushing out toxins. I’ll be started a detoxification program over the next few weeks and plan to post my journey and share some articles on various detox techniques that I’ll be using.
Over these last few years I’ve learned a lot about different detox techniques using special herbs and teas, fiber and colon cleansing products, fasting, and dietary changes. So here are a few tips to help you get started with your own detoxification program.
The first rule step before beginning any detox program is clear the pathways of elimination so that the toxins are easily flushed from the system. You can exfoliate the skin by dry brushing which stimulates circulation. You can then sweat out the toxins by using a dry or far infrared sauna.
To prepare, you might consider doing a juice fast. Drinking water with lemon can help flush the liver and get it ready to process out the toxins as you release them. A good detox program will pull heavy metals, chemicals and wastes out of your cells and tissues so they can be eliminated.

Delicious detox fruits and vegetables full of phytonutrients and vitamins for cleansing toxins from the body.’m passionate again about Detox! Lately I’ve been feeling run down and its time to get serious about cleansing and flushing out toxins. I’ll be started a detoxification program over the next few weeks and plan to post my journey and share some articles on various detox techniques that I’ll be using.
Your next step is to start your overall detoxification program by cleansing the colon. You should always begin with colon cleansing because this is the primary elimination pathway. There are many detox techniques you can use for colon cleansing such as taking certain herbs and psyllium fiber or food grade bentonite clay (make sure to take clay with fiber) Bentonite clay can help you release heavy metals and other toxins from your cells. You may also consider a series of colonics which will help further promote regularity.
Once you’ve cleansed the colon, you can consider continuing your detox program to target other body systems such as the liver and kidneys. There are many herbs and teas like licorice root or certain supplements to assist the liver. You may also at this time consider a candida cleanse using probiotics, certain supplements like caprylic acid, garlic, coconut oil, and following a candida friendly diet that eliminates sugar and most grain carbohydrates.
Remember, when following any Detox program, make sure to drink plenty of water to help you flush out those toxins. Make sure you check with your healthcare provider before beginning any detox program, especially if you have any health concerns. That said, detoxification can be a gentle and healthy way to improve your energy and your health.
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